Sunday, March 29, 2009 // 9:15 AM
Hm, I don't really know what to say. Yesterday I was very sick, I had the flu D; I think I got it from Jess, who passed it on to Lise, who passed it on to me. Ya fuckers xD Anywho. It's been a rather boring weekend other then that. I now officially
hate throwing up. Too much of it yesterday. I literally cry like a baby 'cause of it. I couldn't even eat yesterday, it was that bad.
And for the past few days I've been pondering the word 'literally'. I don't know why. Sometimes I get confused, and say 'literallery'. Is that even a freakin' word? Does it mean the same thing? *goes to* Nope. xD
OH OH OH. And I'm officially dyeing my hair blond :D It's gonna be awesome. and if it doesn't happen, then I MAY be upset...D; Lemayooh. I just feel really blah at the moment.
Sooo yah.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009 // 3:29 PM
I feel like crap. It's almost as if I don't have friends anymore. I get the feeling that the ones I thought I had are talking bad about me, and they don't like me anymore. I think I'm just being paranoid, but fuck. It's like in my mind, I'm going insane. I don't want to deal with this bull shit anymore. I'd probably try to kill myself if I wasn't too lazy. Stupid reason, I know. I also get the random urge to dye my hair reaalllyyyy blond. Like, a platinum blond.
Like this.

The good part, she has the same eye colour and almost skin colour as mine, so it might actually work out. It may take a while to get to that shade though...But it's just for now. For all I know I'll change my mind. But yeah...
Sunday, March 22, 2009 // 4:02 PM
I realize I haven't been on in so long. I thought I'd like to update, I think I'll start doing it more often. Well, things are better. Now I'm out most of the time with friends. I'm actually having fun for once and not being bored at the computer all the time. The only really bad thing is that I've come to a habit of smoking. Maybe it's because I've been craving them for months, and friends just happen to have them? It's only socially thank god, but I'm just worried it might get far. God I sound like such a hypocrite, and I'm the one who quite 'cause I thought my future life could be at risk. But I can't take it, people are always putting me under so much fucking stress.
But to go on...Last night. Scariest night of my life. Ghosts were chasing me and my friends. I SWEAR. We caught that whole thing on video too, and when we looked at it, I see SOMETHING. A light, but one that...wasn't supposed to be there. And it wasn't a lightpole. Especially since last night, when I tried to call my friend or her mom I think, it was a cell phone and sometimes a ring skips, so whatever...but it was just silent for a moment, maybe two. And then it sounded like someone was talking on a messed up walkie-talkie or something like that. It was weird, then just hung up.
So it's getting warmer in Montreal, Yaay! Enough for me to wear sweaters instead of bulky ugly jackets, thats fo sho. I can't wait for summer ;)