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Currently; Listening to Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down.
Saturday, January 31, 2009 // 7:15 AM
Yes, I absolutely love that song. I don't even like superman, but still, the song is the shit. Right, I'll get on with the actual blog now.

Last night was crazy. It was probably the most fun I've had in a while. Originally I was supposed to go to the movies with my friends, but at the last minute we ditched the movies to go to the mall attached to it. We ran around and took pretty stupid and random pictures. We did things (and said things) we probably would have never done. But it was all worth it. And I'm pretty sure some people on the bus thought we were drunk x] But don't worry, we really were not. Just had a couple of energy drinks ;D

So anywho. My crush really does know I exist. It's funny how I act, to one simple thing he said to me, you know. Is it humane to act as if it's the best thing in the world? That for once in my life, there's a real chance that my crush likes me back? I'm not always sure. My life, I find, can be so dramatic. But at the same time, it gets so boring. Sometimes I even feel like I'm complaining over the little things, though I'd never say anything that personal in a blog.

Not much to really say, I may be going shopping later(One of my favourite hobbies ;D), I may not though. I still haven't gotten ahold of my friend.
Well, chow for now.

I don't get it...
Wednesday, January 28, 2009 // 5:56 PM
I need help. At least, that's what I think. I think I'm in love with a boy(as I've probably said repeatedly, yes I know, and I also realize it is probably only a crush...). Whether he likes me back is the goddamn question. It's almost like he purposefully forgot what he said to me...The 'silent' treatment doesn't help much. Or maybe I'm overreacting, he is afterall the forgetful type...I think.

Things just never stop though. Something like this happens, and I'm reminded of all these horrible things guys have said to me in the past. You're ugly, you're fat, ew. What's wrong with me? Am I really just so stupid and naive to think any guy would even so much as like me, as these past crushes have so politely put it? I feel so stupid - I just can't help it anymore.

But, on the brighter note - I dissected an eye today :D It was pretty cool. It smelled awful, but the whole experience - Eeeehhh ;D And then we got shots - which surprised me how much I felt it this time compared to before. But nevertheless it didn't hurt. They never do. They're just so fascinating to watch go into the skin. Oh yes, gore fanatic right here. I'd probably get happy off the sight of blood.

Oh goddamnit. I must go. My mother's bitching for me to get off. I'll probably be back on sometime tomorrow.


I haven't been on in a while...
Monday, January 26, 2009 // 5:40 PM
Well, like my previous post, I'd said I may not be back on. Well, I'm back. Yes, I lied. Well, it has been a few months, okay maybe half a year. I have no bloody clue. But Hello again nevertheless.

I must say, I've never felt so befallen for a guy like this before. He's absolutely everything I used to hate in a guy, except for that he made me laugh. I think I've grown to actually loving his looks, and how he is. Surprisingly, he's the first crush that has not treated me like crap. It makes me feel better about myself then I would. He treats me like I'm human, and even more, he's the sweetest thing. Despite that he messes up in class, and he may have failed a year. And another thing - I think he just may like me back.

For ever since the beginning of school (which is a long time from now, if you haven't realized...), he's always looked at me. Or rather, friends and I have always caught him glimpsing at me, even dosing off looking at me. I mean, for crying out loud, he's stalked me to my english class! And all this unnecessary touching, like if he's passing me and there's all the room in the world. The famous touching and lingering...He even tried to 'accidently' bash into me in the middle of the hall, kind of totally missing me. It's hard to explain, really. And to be honest, I could quite literally go on for days of the things he's done, and how much I like him.

I don't think I've ever liked a guy like this before...In the past I always thought, heck, I was in love, what we all think about our crushes, but this is very different, how I feel for him...I guess I should just shut up about this or I'll take this all up in one post. (Yes, I'm continuing :P)

OKAY, so something major; My friends had been in a very big fight. They hated each other, and God knows why. Something about him wanting to hang out with his girlfriend and not them, blah blah blah. Also keep in mind, the ones who were mad at him, were also his exes. One of them believes he's still in love with her, when it's simply not true...It's quite the opposite. And it's annoying how conceited she is. I don't even think I want to be her friend, 'cause all she does is talk shit, or when we're talking about something different, she either thinks she knows everything about it or just makes things up that aren't even true. But BLAH I'm too nice.

I'm done for tonight. I may be on tomorrow. Never know what can happen, something interesting to put on here, hopefully ;D


October 2008
January 2009
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April 2009